
EJ Scott’s 2013 Marathons…? Sort of…


EJ says:

2012 was all about me running and what was involved with that. i.e., planning fundraisers, traveling, training, eBay auctions, marathon running, recovery, etc. This year I want to get back to my creative roots i.e. again, writing, drawing, improv, and painting.

But I still want to see if I can raise money for Choroideremia Research that doesn’t involve me killing myself (not literally) with marathons. So this year I am doing marathons but not running marathons. TV show marathons! Thats right! Once a month I will choose a TV show that I haven’t watched that has at least 12 hours of content. I will watch 12 straight hours of that show. My girlfriend doesn’t think anyone will donate to this. I would like to prove her wrong.

I have rules and guidelines I must follow! You could read my blog to see more details. My first marathon begins tomorrow at 8:00am! Please donate to my cause at by clicking on the button below. Thank you so much and wish me luck!

What will I be watching first? HOMELAND!!! 12 hours of Homeland! Yes I have a lot of time on my hands and I love it 🙂

So far, my TV list includes the following shows:

  • The Wire
  • Sons of Anarchy
  • Battlestar Galactica
  • Boss
  • Justified
  • Mad Men
  • Dollhouse
  • Downton Abbey
  • Homeland

And we will see what other ones!

For now you can still donate by clicking on the button below and also please check out the auctions at my eBay page and tell your friends about the auctions. Thanks!!!

Please consider giving to EJ’s charity, The Choroideremia Foundation by donating using the button below:


  1. Sounds like a very creative and funny way to raise money. I hope you will get a good amount with this stunt. Plus it sounds like a very good idea to find good TV shows which are worth watching.

    The statement “And we will see what other ones!” leads me to the assumption that you are still looking out for some material. I would like to recommend you the TV Show Supernatural which is in my opinion one of the best shows American TV ever created. I think due to it’s good writing it’s worth a shot.

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