has a new charity program called Amazon Smile that allows you to help fight Choroideremia. When you shop on, if you have designated the CRF as your charity in Amazon Smile, a portion of your purchase will be donated to the CRF!
Here’s how it works:
Go to and sign into your Amazon account. Once signed in, a page will appear explaining the program. On that page you will find a Search box to search for the charity you wish to support. Type in “Choroideremia Research Foundation,” then click Search and you will see the CRF listed. Click on the CRF listing and you’re ready to go! The next page will look just like the normal Amazon site, except now you’ll be shopping and supporting the CRF at the same time!
Below is an illustration of how to do it (click on the image to see it larger):
You will only have to search for the CRF the first time. From that point on, the CRF will be linked to your account. Just remember to bookmark and use that URL for your Amazon shopping from this point on. The CRF will receive .5% of all eligible purchases!
Please share this information with all your contacts and encourage them to use Amazon Smile to support the CRF. The more people who use it, the more funds we can raise!