Contact: Mindi Sue | black & blue star
P: 310.924.5651 | @blacknbluestar
12 Marathons in 12 Months
Legally Blind Man Raising Money for Choroideremia Research by Running…Blindfolded
Los Angeles, CA/November 19, 2012 – Marathoner and Improv comic EJ Scott doesn’t ponder the question “what if…” instead he took the news of being diagnosed with Choroideremia, proteins that protect the eyes from the sun are missing and the cells that create vision are dying. It begins peripherally and moves inward until total blindness sets in, and used it as fuel to help raise money for a disease few even know about.
Wanting to educate the public about this hereditary disease only found in males, that has also affected his brother and two nephews, EJs creative juices were flowing. How could he draw awareness to the cause make people listen? He started running only 2 ½ years ago – leading the now legally blind EJ to run 12 marathons in 12 months – blindfolded.
“The doctors told me that if I continued to run, the long-term exposure to the sunlight during a race would further damage my eyes,” says EJ.
So instead of giving up running and taking the ‘woe-is-me’ route, he enlisted the help of his two cousins who would run with him so he could start the journey. His last marathon is the Las Vegas Marathon scheduled for Sunday, December 2nd at 3pm. He will start with the blindfold and shed it along the way as it grows dark.
EJ knows what lies ahead as he prepares for a life of darkness, but with the love of his life at his side, “True Blood” actress Deborah Ann Woll, he’s found a life partner and at times caretaker to hold his hand as they grow old – all the while continuing to raise awareness for this rare genetic disease.
For more information on The Choroideremia Research Foundation, please visit:
To book interviews, please contact: Mindi Sue, black & blue star, 310.924.5651,
I just saw you on the Jeff Probst show and want to congratulate you on your courage and running 12 marathons in 12 months! I myself was inspired to run my first marathon, the 2008 Chicago Marathon by local legend Nita Kay LeMay, an amazing woman who is also legally blind and did not start running until she was 40. Since her first marathon she has joined the 50 State Club as well as running on all 7 Continents!
Keep up the good work and I wish you the best of luck in fighting for yourself and others afflicted with this awful disease.