EJ’s latest effort to raise some money for his charity the Choroideremia Research Foundation includes the Greatest True Blood item ever which includes many True Blood signatures.
Watch the item brought onto the stage by Anna Paquin and Stephen Moyer when introducing the cast in attendance at Comic-Con 2010.
Get on over to his crowdrise page not and make your donation to get a chance to win this awesome prize.
This item, the Alex Skarsgard cutout from SDCC 2010, is covered in signatures from TRUE BLOOD cast and team. Writers, Directors, Creators, and many others have contributed to signing this one of a kind never to be duplicated ever again item. Along with the Skarsgard, the winner will get a signed DVD, a signed book, a signed comic book collection. And possibly more!! Free shipping worldwide! All profits going to the Choroideremia Research Foundation to find a treatment for the eye disease stealing my sight and members of my family. Please donate to the crowdrise page. Read the text there to see exactly how it’s going to work. tell all your friends. thanks so much for your help and support. 🙂